A few weeks ago, I had a lot of time to just peruse my way through MySpace looking through new music. And I have to say I spent maybe 2 hours to find only a few songs. There is great music out there, but there is also a lot of music that sounds the same. But finding Little Jackie was truly refreshing. This group offers a change from the last few posts with their pop/r&b/hip-hop sound.
Imani Coppola (vocals) has collaborated with multi-instrumentalist Adam Pallin to form Little Jackie, and release their album, The Stoop, this past July. Pallin recently worked on American Idol alumni Elliot Yamin's debut album. Coppola is best known for her her 1997 top-100 hit, Legend of a Cowgirl.
Coppola and Pallin actually did not work on the music together, but recorded the music and vocals separately. Pallin stated that this setup created a juxtaposition of what the music suggests and what she actually says. And I definitely agree.
This track can be compared to the same sound as the Black Eyed Peas, others have compared the duo to Gnarls Barkley.
But in any case, listen to the track. Another one I am fond of is the title track, The Stoop, off the same record.