Hey you guys,
Here is a track I had a little trouble finding after I initially heard it. I knew the band name, but couldn't locate the right song title. But after some research I finally got it for you guys. It's a little harder than normal since I don't speak a more than two words of French. Mostly consists of an ignorant French laugh and Pepe Le Pu (sp?). I don't even know how to spell that name. Sad. But yet still good times, because that skunk gave me quite a few laughs back in the day.
There's an electronic feel to this song in the beginning, but that quickly changes with what I believe to be some sort of flute instrument. I could be wrong, but it seems to be some sort of wind instrument. It is paired nicely with guitar, and guitar can be heard more clearly when the verse starts.
The words are so crisp and light. It's like tip-toeing while singing. I picture walking on water almost, so light. And don't forget the nice little bicycle ring that comes every once in awhile. It's a nice touch.
I couldn't find the track online anywhere so click here. This track won't be on the mix tape player but you can find it by clicking the link. To read the post, just right click and open it a new window or tab.
If you guys are looking for an awesome magazine, try Paste. They send a mix cd (hey! like me!) with EVERY issue. Every once in awhile they let you name your own price, I got my subscription for only $1. Pretty sweet. Check it out.
Miou Miou has another single with a video. Although Avant Le Voyage is my favorite, this is still another quality track. The single is called A l'ete de la Saint Martin '68. The video is up there to the left if you want to check it out. I will also add it to the mix tape player above.
That's all for now!